Clean streets. I'm lovin' it.

At McDonald's®, we take care of the environment ánd we fight litter. That's why we're putting the Big Bins in the spotlight this time!
Yep, we want to make trash cans as popular as our burgers. Because only together can we win this battle against litter! Step by step of course.
We have been committed to this at McDo for years. We clean up all litter around our restaurants, parking lot and in the surrounding area. We encourage our customers to throw waste in the bin by installing extra bins, awareness campaigns and clear communication in our restaurants.
We also participate in joint clean-ups in the cities and municipalities where we are located. And we tackle litter at source by using less packaging and less plastic in our packaging.
Are you joining us in this fight against litter? Then always throw your waste in a bin!
'Cause clean streets. I'm lovin' it.